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Events Centre History Formerly

Creswell Social Centre - Drill Hall

The "Drill  Hall" came about to meet the needs of the Creswell Company Church Lads Brigade 1889.  In 1900 it was thought better to make the movement more "open" initially they had no fixed meeting place.


In 1903 the Drill Hall was erected by the generosity of The Duke of Portland - and was built by his company Bolsover Colliery Company, who had built the Model Village and Church Schools.


In the 1st World War the Drill Hall was converted into a military hospital, and at the end of hostilities reverted back to being a Drill Hall.


Over the years the Hall met the needs of the community, providing facilities for dancers, parties, drama, anniversaries and celebrations.


The Next phase of development came after the 1939-1946 World War II, but by the early 1950's the Hall was in need of urgent repair.  The colliery now nationalised, undertook the the responsibility by financing the halls upkeep.


Twenty-five years on by the mid 1970's , the building was in a derelict state. Consequently a historic referendum was held to determine how the parish council of the day should decide the halls future.


The outcome was not to demolish and to provide a new building , but to repair and extend.  This work was completed and handed to the parish council in 1976.


Use of the Hall had now grown into a full community life with many local organisations using the hall as a focal point, holding their own events, for example Creswell Air Rifle Club, Boxing and Wrestling , Creswell Dance Club.


The Support of the Colliery employees levy ceased during this time and the upkeep was borne by the parish council using the rating precept facility.  The Hall was now Known as the Creswell Social Centre, although to many of the older residents it is still referred to as the Drill Hall.


Since the council took over responsibility and care, they have added a bar and lounge on the ground floor, the balcony was removed to create the Portland Room, the dance floor was enlarged and in 1996 the old rear part of the building, originally a kitchen was bought into office use for the clerk and finance officer.


In 2004 The building was over a 100-years old, major renovation and restoration work had become a priority.  2004 saw the council submit a bid to secure funding  through the Heritage Lottery Fund. The grant was needed for repair and replacments, which included a new roof, windows, doors, ceiling to the stage and main hall; also alteration to the mini foyer and a new facade to the front of the building to restore as far as possible to the original look.  The clock (built in 1903) was converted to electric winding and night silencing, with the block Cupola repaired and restored to it's original glory.

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